Wow! 100 posts! I did it! Recommitting to my blog has been great! I have posted more this year already than I posted all of last year!
For this post, I decided to step outside the box, out of my comfort zone and post about the positives in life. For those of you who follow my blog, you know that there is always something negative that I am focusing on. My poor husband was fooled for a while until he really got to know me. Sadly, I am so negative a little rubbed off on him. For the most part, he is extremely positive, but I do hear complaints now, which I pretty much never heard in the early years!
So, on with the positive show. Yesterday, we took Mutt to the doctor for these enlarged (huge) lymph nodes he has in the back of his neck. He has had one since he was a baby (I noticed it at 4 months). But, last week another popped up and then a third. They were painful this time and while I was pretty sure that these were due to either a bug bite or a blow to the head from all the toys ESPN has been throwing lately, the pessimist in me took over and started freaking me out! However, after our visit to the pediatrician, I am assured that exactly what I logically thought is the truth! Thank God for that! And, I didn't even stick him for a blood test for my own reassurance! Progress I tell you!
I made a craft with the kids yesterday. Got this great idea to have the kids decorate a beach bucket, write their name on it and then use it to collect those things that congregate on the kitchen island during the day. At the end of the day, the kids are supposed to bring the bucket upstairs and put their "stuff" away. If they don't I throw it away. Win, win for me! I just want it out!
I am also almost prepared for ESPN's birthday! He is having a "baketball" cake. Of course when asked he told me he wants Gabba! Too bad kid. I have the icing color and everything Basketball it is! I have gift cards from when he was born that will start to loose their value next month that I need to use so his birthday gift will basically be free! How bad is that? Oh, but there are $95 in gift cards! Think of the gift!!!!
Company this weekend. And I think I have my act together to get the house clean in time! Amazing!
All this could stress me out, but I will not allow it. As part of my 100th post, I am going to focus on the positive. It takes 6 weeks to change a behavior. so, by June 1 I should be a positive thinker, a glass half full person. Check back to see my progress! I bet PINT will tell all! If those notes are like yesterday's, not so good! However, sarcasm is also a good coping strategy so I would say that would be o.k. on those post its! Thanks for stopping by! Here's to my next 100 posts!
Sarcasm is a good tool to help cope! Happy 100th!
Congratulations on 100!!
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