Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beautiful Weather

What is it about beautiful weather that makes me change my attitude? I love winter. But, it has been warm here this week. It has been nice getting the kids out of the house and playing like we do in the spring and fall. Yesterday my daughter went to a friend's house after school. I was home with the boys. They had to finish their valentines for their classes. It was so nice sitting there with them. They did such a good job. Then after 45 minutes of making valentines, we went outside. We played for about 30 minutes before having to go in to make dinner. My oldest had basketball so I had to have dinner on the table in time for him to leave. He begged me to stay out and play, but I had to cook. I am big into having a meal on the table and eating as a family no matter what. So we went in. The rest of the evening was complete joy, making valentines with my daughter and giving the kids a bath. Everyone was so well behaved. It was really nice. I didn't get frustrated and had a lovely evening!

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