Monday, February 8, 2010


I am skipping MeMe Monday and writing about the Superbowl! It was a blast! We had our family's traditional carpet picnic with little appetizers as our main dish. The kids chowed down on the little hot dogs. Should have known! My daughter was so excited about the commercials and we all had our favorites! Everyone was cheering for the Saints, except my daughter who has to cheer for whoever everyone else is not routing for! Her favorite thing about the Superbowl is that it is the end of football season. So we cheered, we laughed, and had an all around good time until the fourth quarter when 4 of us fell asleep. I was one of them. I guess mixing a glass of wine and bottle of beer is not a good idea. And so it is that the Saints won and we are all excited, well minus my daughter who really could care less!

Here are some of our favorite commercials! What are yours?

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